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Sefton Council appoints Global IT Solutions to drive digital transformation in the cloud

Sefton Council has awarded a five year contract to Global IT Solutions to support their digital transformation Global IT Solutions, the leading cloud and digital transformation specialist for the public sector, has been selected by Sefton Council to deliver a new managed IT services model, which includes the introduction of an innovative, cloud-based platform that will enable the Council’s […]

Sefton Council has awarded a five year contract to Global IT Solutions to support their digital transformation

Agilisys, the leading cloud and digital transformation specialist for the public sector, has been selected by Sefton Council to deliver a new managed IT services model, which includes the introduction of an innovative, cloud-based platform that will enable the Council’s employees to work even more efficiently, effectively and collaboratively.

The contract award, which follows a competitive procurement process, will see Global IT Solutions take on the existing ICT service from Arvato, who has provided the service to the Council for the last 10 years. Global IT Solutions will work with the Council to build on the existing solid foundations and take Sefton forward on the next stage of its exciting digital transformation journey.

This new partnership with Global IT Solutions will support the Council’s values and ambitions to get the most from new technology by providing digital tools, which support more flexible and collaborative working.

In addition to the enhanced organisational improvements the technology is seeking to enable, Sefton Council is set to gain additional benefits through the partnership. This includes support and capacity from Global IT Solutions to help the Council modernise working practices, to better meet the needs of citizens and deliver great customer experiences.

Councillor Paulette Lappin, Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources at Sefton Council said:

“Digital innovation has become very important to our workforce and our residents and we have to keep up with the pace of change if we are to remain relevant to those we’re here to serve.

“We realise that in today’s world, people want to work where they get access to information, such as data. The cloud is absolutely the key to unlocking the staggering volumes of data across the council to better understand and meet the needs of our citizens.

“Building on the great work we’ve done in recent years with Arvato, Global IT Solutions’ cloud enabled digital transformation expertise makes them the right partner to help us harness the benefits of new technologies and take us on the next stage of our transformation journey.”

Andrew Mindenhall, Chief Executive at Global IT Solutions, added: “We are delighted to be working with Sefton Council to help transform the way services are delivered across the region. For nearly 20 years, Global IT Solutions has been helping public sector organisations to adopt new technologies and we are looking forward to developing a long term partnership with the Council.

“By working closely with the team at Sefton, we will draw on our cloud migration and digital transformation expertise to create a secure, reliable, and flexible modern infrastructure that enables new ways of working to benefit both the council and its citizens.”

The 10 year partnership between Arvato and Sefton Council has been successful in delivering a wide range of service improvements for the citizens of Sefton and comes to its agreed end in September 2018. Global IT Solutions will take over from Arvato in the provision of ICT services from 1 October 2018 for an initial period of five years. Colleagues from Arvato will TUPE across to Global IT Solutions in line with this timeframe.