Greater Manchester Police Windows 10 and M365 Transformation

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Case Studies
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26th October 2022

Faced with pressure to deliver successful transformation amidst a very complex and challenging environment GMP was upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10, including a full transformation to M365.

The Windows 10/M365 Programme was the technical enabler to delivery of transformation in GMP, which was being driven by the National Enabling Programme (NEP).

To ensure the full range of benefits were realised for GMP through a best-in-class IT environment, a multi-faceted IT transformation programme was needed, involving migrating more than 12,400 users to Windows 10/M365, with over 11,500 Windows 10 laptops and desktops configured and issued.

In this case study we discuss how GMP and Global IT Solutions together delivered a transformation programme that led to:

  • Greater police presence in communities due to agile primary investigation and administration processes on personal  devices for frontline officers
  • Improved operational briefing and communication across the metropolitan region via structured Microsoft Teams calls
  • Improved partnership engagement and information sharing through multi-agency Teams use, particularly in protecting vulnerable people
  • Greater efficiency in support service administration processes and reduced reliance of GMP estate due to agile working
  • Improved staff morale through investment in widespread personal issue devices
  • GMP being able to stay ahead of a rapid uplift in police recruits requiring devices due to a government mandated recruitment campaign.